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Privacy & Policy Go Reports India

Privacy & Policy

still, please feel free to communicate with us via the Contact runner, If you bear any further information or have any questions about our point's Disclaimer.

We( Go Reports India) operate with the loftiest precedence on the sequestration of our point druggies. This sequestration policy document describes in detail the types of particular information collected and recorded by and how we use it.

Log Files

Like numerous other Web spots, makes use of log lines. These lines are caller logs and are generally a standard hosting company procedure and part of hosting analytics. The log lines that are recorded are in the form of Internet Protocol Address( IP Address), Cybersurfer Type, Internet Service Provider( ISP), Date/ Time, Referral/ runner exit, and conceivably the number of clicks made by callers while on our point. This information is used for assaying stoner trends, point processing, tracking stoner movements while on our point, and gathering demographic information.

Eyefuls and Web lights

Go Reports India uses eyefuls to store stoner preference information, to record information about which runners a particular stoner penetrated, and to customize the content of our web runners grounded on the information we gain from their cybersurfer. We use this information to give a stylish experience for each stoner while on our site. However, you can do so through your cybersurfer settings, If you wish to disable eyefuls. further information about cookie operation can be set up on the website of the cybersurfer you use.

Dispatch Subscriber

On the point, we also grease our point druggies with a dispatch subscription option. The dispatch that druggies use to subscribe to our composition/ product updates will be in the client database and we will always maintain the sequestration of our client emails.


By using our website, you hereby assent to our sequestration Policy and agree to its terms.


Last streamlined on 05 March 2023.

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